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Help us protect
Children Like

We are campaigning to bring about
Social and Legal Reform in addition to
establishing support for families in

Ethan’s Law

Ethan’s Law

On the day Ethan died, he had sadly been left…

The Alphabet Project

The Alphabet Project

Accountability, responsibility and transparency (A.R.T.) are key factors for public…

Your Rights

Your Rights

We believe in everyone being treated equally and fairly when…



We understand how hopeless you can feel when involved with…


We understand how hopeless you can feel when involved with the Local Authority and the family courts. In this section we hope to provide a place of support and advice for vulnerable families.

Our Story

In 2018 our family went through an unimaginable tragedy that changed our lives forever. Our beloved Ethan died after persistent negligence and cruelty inflicted by his mother. He was found unresponsive in his cot after his mother had left him for a number of hours at home alone. That evening he was sadly pronounced dead. Ethan had a number of suspicious injuries, including a 15cm fractured skull and so followed a lengthy police investigation into his death.

Let’s work together to protect our future!

We strongly believe that every child matters. That’s why we are determined to create a country where the Local Authorities are held accountable when vulnerable children and families are avoidably failed by them.